so tropical storm Barry has creeped up the mid-Atlantic coast to drop a few showers worth of much needed rain on our fair city and although my usually fearless Jack Russell, Zoey
, is deathly afraid of thunder, lightning and rain, me and my sweet natured, but not too smart Schnauzer, Morgan are sitting on the aforementioned swank

furniture, enjoying the slight storm. I love Spring in Maryland. 2 days ago, it was bloody hot (and I loved that as well.) but after a cleansing rain yesterday, today is comfortable and moody--i love it.
i'm adding this blog, officially, to my ellen cherry website tonight and so i need to make it a bit more interesting for those ellen cherry readers....so here's the latest on all things e.c. read on....
i've decided to try to phase bars and restaurants out of my gig schedule. I've been struggling with some tendonitis type symptoms for the past 3 weeks and it has really made me understand that i need to better delegating my time and energies to the good and true task of building an audience. Although I've made fans and met friends at the bars I've played heavily over the last 3 years, it's not getting me where I want to go and I need to focus on playing venues that are showcasing music. I suppose the overriding point is that I just want to play places where my original material is going to be heard and stop playing gigs where I am simply a live jukebox, in the corner, usually facing a 52" television. i've found these gigs, most recently, to be really kind of soul-destroying and there's just no competing with TV. and even worse than that, i've found myself completely dazed by the television and not at all concentrating on what i'm doing. how is that good for the audience? it's not. pile on top of this the fact that people consistently make the most ridiculous requests for songs from me. I just don't see how these venues are going to push me any further, so I'd like to stop it.
i've decided to try to phase bars and restaurants out of my gig schedule. I've been struggling with some tendonitis type symptoms for the past 3 weeks and it has really made me understand that i need to better delegating my time and energies to the good and true task of building an audience. Although I've made fans and met friends at the bars I've played heavily over the last 3 years, it's not getting me where I want to go and I need to focus on playing venues that are showcasing music. I suppose the overriding point is that I just want to play places where my original material is going to be heard and stop playing gigs where I am simply a live jukebox, in the corner, usually facing a 52" television. i've found these gigs, most recently, to be really kind of soul-destroying and there's just no competing with TV. and even worse than that, i've found myself completely dazed by the television and not at all concentrating on what i'm doing. how is that good for the audience? it's not. pile on top of this the fact that people consistently make the most ridiculous requests for songs from me. I just don't see how these venues are going to push me any further, so I'd like to stop it.
That being said, if you have a suggestion for a coffeehouse that showcases music, a venue where you've seen an up and comer or just an interesting place where you think my music would fit, please don't hesitate to email me from the contact page. as always, i appreciate the support.
Now, onto the important news! the artwork for the new album is coming into focus and even more importantly, the album is coming to a close. We have a few more vocal tracks to work on, then it's mixing and then off to be mastered! I'm more than ready to be finished with the project and have it into the hands of people who have been waiting and into the hands of people who don't even know they've been waiting! it has been a great experience taking this long to make a record...considering that half of it wasn't even written when we started...but it's been in the works for long enough and it's time for it to be out in the open. plus, i often feel my brain is like a harddrive and needs to be dumped of this current project, so i can focus on the next set of songs that feel as though they are bubbling just below the surface.
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