Saturday, December 27, 2008

happy holidays, doodz #2

my family lives a long, long, long ways away from me and we decided to road trip it this time, dogs 'n' all. it's been a really nice week, much more so because i've avoided the computer ALOT. whic has been nice. made cookies, drank beer, eaten more than my body weight in delicious home-made cookies by my mom. i've also managed to watch all of the first season of "30 Rock" on the interwebs and have fallen even more deeply in love with Tina Fey. i wish we were close friends, she's so great. it's also been hectic with everyone having their own schedules and things they needed to do....but i've been the visitor...just observing and sitting around and watching it all swirl. in short, it's been great, but i'm looking forward to heading back to B'more, because, in a word, 2009 is already going to ROCK.

there is so much going on, i can't believe it. i would feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of work to be done, but i just feel so completely excited by all the projects and so completely grateful that my job is to create stuff like this. there's the kids' radio programs, there's a new side project of songs i'm not even writing, but just collaborating on and singing on that we'll be performing at special shows, there's the new commercial studio work that keeps popping up and affording me to focus on quality shows that showcase the ellen cherry music and build the audience, there's the work i've been doing with my amazing friend Caleb Stine that's paying off in spades emotionally and artistically and all other ways too, there's a bunch of composition work that i've got coming up that's going to be stressful, but challenging and wonderful, including a cabaret/puppetry piece with Nana Projects that I'm beyond excited about, and another BIG project that just popped up, that if it works (what i mean to say is when it works out) is going to be not only super fun, but hopefully expose ellen cherry (in a good way!) to alot more people. and then there's a week from today (which will be Saturday, Jan 3) where i get to play one of the premier venues in B'more: Ram's Head Live. i'm stoked!!! plus, #1BB is moving away from being tied down to a full time, static office job position and pursuing his dreams, too. we've been working hard this past year and there are some changes coming that will be even more work, but GOOD work.

sorry to gush, i'm just riding this wave of positivity. it feels like all the slow, hard work of 2008 is starting to show some promise. and i'm writing like crazy. dreams have been coming in weird and fast and the imagery has been bizarre, but i'm writing it all down in the hopes that something cohesive, strange, grotesque and beautiful will come out of it. i want the next recordings to show something different from my brain and i think, with some help, i can do this.

for anyone who's reading this, i hope you are also riding this wave of positivity too and realizing that things are possible. i know it sounds manic, but i love this feeling and wish that it could be bottled, and that i could simply drink it every day. but for now, i'll just cherish the buzz and try to keep my head about myself as this stuff goes on. ALSO, thank you so much for reading, following along and to all the people that bought cds, t-shirts, and downloaded songs for friends and family to help with the expense of traveling--THANK YOU, it all helped so much. And thank you for coming to shows and continuing to support and believe that we can make something great and beautiful and cool. You are as much a part of this as I am.

best holiday wishes to you. travel safe and have a fabulous New Year's celebration. 2009 is going to be an interesting and incredible year. thanks for keeping up with me, i love having you here!!

1 comment:

Jim Baker said...

Hidy-ho, neighbor!
Missed seeing you when you came to town to visit your family. I'm looking forward to watching your success EXPLODE in 2009! Hopefully I can catch you at a few shows before the price of admission breaks my wallet. Take care Ms. Putchinski and blessings for a wonderful 2009,
Jim Baker