Monday, December 01, 2008

no soup for you.

Thanksgiving day i continued to fulfill my dream of never again having to cook Thanksgiving dinner. I do like to eat it, though, and this photo shows me happily chowing down at the Rusty Scupper's delicious buffet on Thursday afternoon. It was a lovely day to stroll around the Inner Harbor and get panhandled to like crazy, but hey, I'm doing better than alot of folks, and can't complain. Especially with a plate like this (folks, i made the buffet worth it: 3 plates of food AND a dessert plate!) So I'm grateful for the food and the ability to have it and enjoy it and for all the good people and things in my life. THANK YOU!!

However.....let's move ahead to another family dinner at Harry's Savory Grill near Wilmington, DE, on Friday night. Again, delicious. Really enjoyed it. Can't complain about the service or the taste of the food. BUT, someone did something somewhere and it wasn't me (i'm obsessive about hand washing!). I got food poisoned by this place. And it wasn't like "oh, I feel a little sick and maybe it'll pass in an hour" kind of food poisoning. It was: it's 2AM and Inside Wants Out And Will Continue to Want Out for the Next 15 Hours.

So, if you're wondering how to shed those extra holiday pounds you may have already gained, I'd say, take a ride up I-95 to Harry's House of E.Coli and order the Prime Rib, with snow peas! You'll be able to lose, I'd guess, between 7-10 pounds of water weight in simply a matter of hours.
We will now return to our regularly scheduled programming of Gatorade and Saltines. I did hold onto a banana today--success!!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and thank you for your continued reading, despite my sporadic posts. Ours was wonderful too, you know, despite all the ralf-ing.

1 comment:

Peyton said...

I saw the last few of your songs today at the DC Holiday bazaar... over near the National Portrait gallery. Your performance was a pleasant surprise. You're a witty performer and I really enjoy the cd... the combination of your voice and lyrics is quite the talent-- best wishes and good luck!