Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Boy A and other things

getting caught back up on a week's worth of work that i missed and need to post performance dates. i'm gearing up to teach a short residency at an elementary school and although my lesson plans are coming together, i feel like i'm writing them in Hungarian or something--i find this process hard to get my brain around. but so far, so good. it's hard!(like math.)

today, spent the day with my friend Nick at his job working on a catchy little jingle that we hope the client will like. my first real experience writing something while sitting in a pro studio, but wow, is it super fun. i love having an idea and easily being able to get it down in bits and bytes. and i'm getting paid, which eases the burden of worrying about not having a ton of gigs this month and next.

#1BB and I started watching the movie "Boy A" on the weekend and though it's a Netflix and we need to return it, every night this week, we haven't been able to bring ourselves to watch the second half. I know it's going to be super sad and i kind of just don't want to face it.

maybe tonight.....

gotta get some work done. will post again, but in the meantime, here's the lyrics to a song i started on Saturday.

this little bird
without a word
starts a song.

you are the wire
and you hum with desire
to sing along.

how can i help myself? i want you.

1 comment:

Geoff said...

What school? That's awesome! You're going to be really good with the kids.