a year ago, i released the ellen cherry album "heart like a lion" with a big fanfare at the lovely 2640 Space. Pictured here, myself and Rich welcomed hlal, hot off the press.
it's been an interesting year. busy in parts and slow in others. but alot has developed on the shoulders of that little disc and i'm happy because of it. still, i can't believe that it's been a year. time is not just flying, it's flying at warp speed.
the next recording is already in the works and will be quite different. but none of that matters today and tomorrow. i'm about to log off and head down to DC for the inaguration. it's snowing in B'more and quite picturesque right now. the kind of snow that falls straight down and from my office window, i can see just the coated branches and a few rooftops and i hear barely any noise from the street. it's a calm quiet and i could stare at it all day, but alas, it's not to be this afternoon.
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