Monday, July 25, 2005

last night, the beginning...again

met at D's house last night for dinner (such a good cook) and over wine and shrimp (wearing bacon) we talked about the music we play together already and the music we're going to try to make. it was a great discussion. 5-6 songs have already been written for this project, but on the way home, i was thinking that maybe instead of only aiming for 11-12 total....we should try to get as much material written and recorded as we can and then have a quantity of stuff to choose from. so i think this is my new goal. also, to do some major research in the next few weeks of new equipment to buy. also also, need to find new spaces for recording drums. we both have small studios...and we are looking for a bolder, wider, higher, open-er sound.

my goal for this week is to make acoustic recordings of the songs i know need work, get the recordings to the 4 other people involved....i'm going to name us for ease of identifying everyone (wait, someone else will have to name me)...but i think this is going to take some time for me to think of names for everyone. i'm hoping they'll post as well.....i have to figure out how that's possible.

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