Tuesday, January 08, 2008

organs: pastry and otherwise

Grimm-sy has been blogging regularly in a poetic fashion. I can tell he's prepping his mind for FAWM, because when I've had conversations with him, he doesn't speak like this. It's cool to read his posts though and he's been posting almost every day and makes me feel bad that I don't. I just don't have interesting things to say every day. It takes a lot of work to come up with interesting things. I'm lazy.

But i'm going to take a cue from him and just start writing more free-form about whatever happens to pop into my mind that's suitable for Inter-Webs publishing, that is.

One of my strongest continuous memories of my life so far has happened when traveling. I used to like to stand in front of beautiful paintings/landscapes/long stretches of beach or road and use my eyes like a 360 degree camera. I would scan the horizon and tell my brain (actually, i would tell my brain as if there were a real voice in my head): "remember this; memorize this." I would try to take a mental picture of it, detailed and colorful and bring in all sensory perception.

Surprisingly, my brain is not a camera and (disappointing) i don't have a photographic memory. These "camera shots" never translated into instant recall of times and spaces, but i'm sure they lent themselves to various dreams throughout the years. Whenever I was near water, I would spend alot of time doing this. I love to stare at the sea.

This morning, I googled the words "the sea" and the above image popped up in the listing. It is The Sea Organ (morske orgulje) and it: "is a natural musical instrument, seventy meters long with thirty-five organ pipes built under the concrete. The musical pipes are located so that the sea water and wind movements produce musical sounds that are heard by passers by so that it achieves a communication with nature and promotes a unity of architecture and environment. As sea forces and energies are unpredictable in terms of tides and winds, this organ offers never-ending concert of numerous musical variations in which the performer is nature itself."

I have to see this. I think I figured out where I want to go for my next big trip. I've always been fascinated by the Balkans anyway and I know a dude who speaks Serbo-Croatian pretty well. Plus, the website that this information came from is called OddMusic.com. I heart the Inter-Webs!

1 comment:

Andrew Grimm said...

e. cherry. very cool post, good form and expression i give an 8.8. you are poetic... just close your eyes and type random stuff... yes i'm trying to make this a habit oh habit...
