Monday, January 28, 2008


hello friends. sometimes, even though you are vigilant with your Neti Pot and you eat vegetables, and get plenty of sleep, a nasty, time-eating, energy-wasting, mind-blending virus gets in your way and basically stops time.

well, on Friday, at 5PM, after feeling totally fine right up until i fell into bed, the fever lasted until 8PM on Saturday night. Even though I'm no longer sweating off 5 pounds of water, i'm still reeling from the effects of a nuclear bug that somehow crept beyond my defenses. It was bound to happen. Apparently, every February, i get sick. And yeah, i know it's still January....but I'm really busy in February, so it must have known that i simply wouldn't have had time to be sick then.
So i'm eating garlic like crazy, and resting and drinking fluids in the hopes that i can kick it in a matter of days, rather than weeks. (Note to politicians: this is how people do it when they don't have health insurance....garlic: $1.25, boiled tap water: pennies per day......not having a spare $150 to spend on the doctor: priceless)
so grab some Tylenol Cold meds and take a gander at J.Putsche's awesome pix of the cd release party:
They are great, but even more fun when you're coked up on pseudoephedrine.

1 comment:

Jim Baker said...

Hi Kristin,
Great pics! Is there any chance that there is a video? I look forward to seeing you in Big-D in a couple of weeks.