Monday, January 26, 2009

ranches, kitties, and india

what do they have in common? just me, at this moment in time, i s'pose.

el rancho was grand, certainly, with Rob Thorworth and his beautiful voice and those fast fast fast fingers playing "Devil's Confusion" and confusing me certainly, making the blood that should be in my hands, rush to my cheeks. what then can i do, but stand stupidly, with my frozen fingers at the neck of the guitar, about to pass out? what can i do but sigh, take a breath, and try to sing? Then David Glaser, with his way of painting pictures with words. Family scenes and heartbreak. It's hard (i know) to fit the word "Baltimore" into a song, but he managed to do it, and repeat it over and over so that i can't forget "to my house in Baltimore." vivid images.

Charm City Kitty Club was rad. I've never participated in anything like that before and it was fun, hilarious fun and i was honored to share the stage with hilarity and raunch. however, several times in the course of the program were tempered with beauty as well, like when Andrea Gibson held us gripped tightly in her hand, and no one breathed until she breathed, which was every 75th word. I fell in love with her a little bit during those breathless moments, and tried to imagine the feast she has to eat and the amount of sleep she must get to put on a show like that, only instead of 20 minutes, she would do an hour. how? i just don't know. reminds me that there are people out there who are actually more than human and have evolved to our next stage: pure energy.

today, i was headed to the gym to lift some weights and train these muscles to stay strong and this lyric floated into my head and out my mouth, as a melody:

why don't you send me a letter from india
write it out on silk using ink
and when you send it, it seeps down through the envelope
and i will finally know just what you think.

1 comment:

Geoff said...

I was just talking about Rob the other day. Didn't know about the Rancho gig, alas.

And I've seen your capillary reaction to "Devil's Confusion." I filmed it and put it on YouTube once!

How are you?